Tzedakah - Acts of Charity

Children of the HolocaustBy God’s grace, Rivka Berger escaped death in a Nazi death camp only to live her remaining years eking out a meager subsistence in Ukraine. One freezing winter night she closed her eyes to sleep with the assurance that food and a little heater to warm her were soon to arrive. But instead, when relief workers were able to reach her, they found they were too late. Rivka had frozen to death. They could not deliver their “Tzedakah – their act of charity” because the winter roads were not cleared of the heavy snows to reach her in time! 

Possibly, you have wondered how it is that humans can be humane and inhumane. How can charity and purposeful persecution coexist? Yeshua (Jesus) was subjected to the taunts of skeptical religious people that questioned his claims of Lordship as well as his good deeds. John 10:32 records his response – “Jesus answered them, ‘Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me.’” In Jewish tradition, a good work is a mitzvah. A mitzvah is from God. A good work cannot come from anyone but God. At its root, mitzvah is a command.

Rivka Berger and thousands more like her, are in need of tzedakah. Your partnership with God’s Grace will help feed people in Yeshua’s name who may not have had a meal in a day, let alone three square meals.

Tzedakah is a great way to involve your entire family in the practice of charity. It is also a daily reminder of doing what is right and just toward the needy. The doing of charitable acts is a fundamental Jewish, as well as Christian, principle. Tzedakah emphasizes a righteous duty we have: to give to the needy, to help the helpless!

Here are 5 simple ways that you can help:

  1. A gift of $49 will allow us to send you beautiful hand-painted traditional tzedakah box.
  2. For less than the cost of a 20 ounce soft drink or a large coffee per day you can give a deprived family real food.
  3. $7 will allow God’s Grace to give a top quality food package.
  4. $50 will provide food for seven one-time meals.
  5. To sponsor a Holocaust survivor, the amount is $25 monthly from each dedicated sponsor; two sponsors are needed per Holocaust survivor to partially subsidize their needs.

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